Research area

- The Power Quality and the Impact of Electromagnetic Pollution on the Environment
- Development of a mobile laboratory to measure the quality of the electrical energy;
- Bio-electromagnetism and electromagnetic pollution;
- Reducing electromagnetic pollution of the environment;
- Complex pollution of the environment, full pollution index.


- Automation and Computer Science Applied in Buildings and Installations
- Dedicated automated driving systems for classic and unconventional facilities to ensure comfort and reduce energy consumption in buildings; 
- Automation of energy and mass transfer processes in buildings;
- Applications of robots in buildings;
- Domotics, Immotics and Building Management System (BMS).
- Data analysis methods in optimizing energy efficiency and achieving well-being.


- Theoretical and Experimental Research in the Field of Lighting and Efficient Management of Electrical Installations in Buildings
- Theoretical and experimental research on indoor and exterior of the building electrical ambiance;
- Theoretical and experimental research on light pollution, prevention, control and reduction of the phenomenon;
- Study on the energy efficiency increase of a bifacial photovoltaic system and the influence of the reflecting surface;
- Experimental stand for the study of materials with photocatalytic properties activated in the visible spectrum, materials used in air depollution techniques and reduction of the microbial load in the indoor environment.